Employers, education institutions, and workforce partners – to register for a FREE booth, please click
Discover Healthcare is a career exploration event to be held annually in alternating areas throughout the Northland.
This is not your typical job or career fair. Modeled after the highly successful Bridges Career Academies and Workplace Connection event in the Brainerd Lakes area, this unique format allows students to participate in hands-on, interactive experiences that relate to a variety of fields within healthcare. Discover Healthcare events aim to give students exposure to jobs and careers available to them at varying stages of educational achievement within the healthcare industry. There are many reasons Discover Healthcare is so exciting:
These events will provide an opportunity to showcase the various types of careers, job opportunities, and/or education students can find at local organizations available in the region such as:
Please reach out to Ali Bilden Camps at acamps@northspan.org or (218) 481-7737 to learn more about how you can participate.
See local news coverage of Discover Healthcare:
Upcoming Events: